


Veterinary medical acupuncture is an integrative therapy method that involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles. These needles activate nerve fibers near a point which signals nerves and neurotransmitters from the periphery (ex: acupuncture point) to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and autonomic nervous system (system that governs glands, immune status, digestion, mood, etc). Acupuncture releases tension from the muscles and enveloping fibrous network called the fascia.

Acupuncture can be used to help the body heal itself through physiological changes such as relief of muscle spasms, release of hormones (ex: endorphins, cortisol), or release of pain mediators. There have been many studies to determine how acupuncture helps with its healing proprieties. While many things are known, there is still much information to be discovered.


Benefits of Acupuncture

In some cases, electrical stimulation may be recommended. Electro acupuncture stimulates acupoints by applying electricity through needles. It can have a more profound and prolonged analgesic effect and can be useful for neuralgia, nervous system injury (such as IVDD) and persistent pain.

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