Adequan Injections
- Adequan is a polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG) that is FDA approved to help with clinical signs associated with non-infectious degenerative joint disease and/or traumatic arthritis in dogs.
- Adequan is used off-label in cats for osteoarthritis. Another off-label and anecdotal use shows that it may be of some benefit in cases of feline interstitial cystitis, although no studies exist to demonstrate a clear benefit.
- How does it work? In lay man’s terms, it acts to protect the joint (synovial) fluid by increasing joint health and decreasing joint inflammation.
- How does it work? For the true nerd, it acts to protect the joint (synovial) fluid through synthesis of proteoglycans. These exist to help provide hydration and support to compressive forces in the joint. It decreases concentration of Prostaglandin E which is an inflammatory substance released in response to joint injury. It also increases hyaluronate concentration in the joint to help reduce inflammation and restore synovial (joint) fluid viscosity.
- Adequan potential side effects: In dogs, a dose-related inhibition of hemostasis has been described. Use in conjunction with steroids, NSAIDs or anti-coagulant therapy is cautioned due to possibility of affecting hemostasis.
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